Is Whitestone an Easy Road Test Site

As you plan to schedule a road test you might be asking, what is the easiest road test site in NYC? let's face it.

The reason you join the best driving school is not just to learn how to drive, but also to be a certified driver. To be certified, you have to be tested, after which you are awarded a driver's license. Awarded, that is if you pass the test.

In short, passing the theory or road driving test stands between the learner and the license. Where you take the road test does matter, whether it is for renewing your driving license or you're a beginner.

Therefore, as you prepare for the road test, you should be concerned about where it will be. If you are about to set up the driver's test appointment and are now to pick a location in NYC. You need to have a good idea of how challenging or easy each road test site up for grabs could be.

Note that before you even consider which is the easiest road test site in NYC, you must have undergone not less than 50 hours of learning under the supervision of a competent trainer. Out of this, at least 15 hours should be dedicated to driving after sunset and not less than 10 hours of driving in moderate or heavy traffic.

It should not be lost on you that what is easy or difficult can be subjective, so the list below is based on what many NYC drivers say about the roads. For a road to be considered easy for the driving test, it should be less busy and with fewer turns or routes.

Passing or failing a test also depends on other factors, such as anxiety, stress, or the quality of training you had. In short, you can still fail a driving test even on the easiest road test site in the world if you are poorly trained, or you were less attentive during the lessons.

That out of the way, the following are the locations to consider if you are looking for the easiest road test sites in NY:

1. Riverhead, Long Island

Riverhead is the easiest road test site in Long Island because the roads are simple, with small residential areas, so there are not many pedestrians to distract you. Furthermore, it is a quiet, country-like area that makes you feel comfortable.

What is the easiest road test sites in NYC
Main Road, Riverhead, Long Island NY

 But you better be careful because some students fail the road test here by becoming too comfortable that they forget they are in a test. Small errors take away your points, remember. Because the roads are too smaller in some areas, there are no visible double yellow lines in the center to guide you on the right, so you may drift to the left, losing points in the process.

2. Kissena Park, Queens

Kissena Park is one of the places to check if you are looking for the easiest road test site in Queens because it has low traffic at any moment. All you have to watch out for are the speed bumps and stop signs.

What is the easiest road test sites in NYC
Kissena Park road test site

At the beginning of the test is the bike lane, so if you are to turn right from the main street, make sure you check the passenger mirror to see if there is a bike approaching.

The worst you can do during a driving test is cause an accident due to poor driving skills.

3. Seaview, Brooklyn

The roads around Seaview are wider, with not less than two lanes. The roads are usually with moderate traffic, so you won't have many distractions that multiply your anxiety.

What is the easiest road test sites in NYC
Seaview Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

But take note of the bike lanes that are mostly on the right of the parking lot. Going to the bike lane is dangerous and illegal. There are two lanes to the parking lot's right, any to which you should make a turn when moving.

Please do not make a U-turn on a left turn because it is not going to work. Be careful of the approaching or parked cars as you make a left turn here. If the approaching car is moving rather too fast, you should simply stop until it moves.

With the turn made, stick to the right, as close to the yellow lie as possible. You'd fail your test if you constantly drive in the middle of the yellow line. It would help if you always stopped when you see a stop sign in Seaview.

Try to avoid dead ends by looking for openings on the left side of the road. Then make a left turn once you have ensured there is no traffic your way. You also need to learn the difference between a U-turn and a three-point turn as you drive on Seaview road.

The instructor may ask you to do a U-turn or three-point view, and doing the wrong one might cost you your driving license. Ensure your driving instructor teaches you the difference. You will understand why Seaview is considered by several drivers to be the easiest road test site in Brooklyn if you do everything correctly.

4. Wantagh, NY

The road is easy but make sure you follow the instructions at all times but also be practical. For instance, if you are told to leave the curb, don't plunge in blindly; ensure you leave when it is safe to do so.

What is the easiest road test sites in NYC
Wantagh road test site

After you leave the curb without hitches, the instructor's next command is likely to turn left or right one block ahead. If you are to turn right, make sure both lanes are empty. This is because the next command could be to make a left turn the moment you pass under the bridge.

Bottom Line

That's the long and short about the easiest road test site in NYC. Do not aim to take your test on the easiest test site for the sake of it, or to quickly get the driver's license and be employed or something. Remember that each road has its advantages and disadvantages. So it may not help much to be choosy.

Again, it might be better to go for a road you are familiar with even if it is difficult than to be tested on an easy road you have never known before.

It may work in your favor in the long run if you choose the most difficult road test site so that if you pass the test, it is proof you are indeed a good driver. If you fail, go through the examiner's observations and repeat the test after more practice. Do not get angry with the examiner; they are doing their job.

The point is, aim to learn how to drive well on easy and difficult roads. Learning is fun, but it can also be dangerous if you are incompetent, so avoid shortcuts and learn to drive properly. Of course, this article is not about stopping you from choosing the easiest road test site; we are just helping you make the best driving decisions.

Want more help to help you choose the easiest road test site in Brooklyn or NYC in general? Call us today at 718-576-6277.


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